Thursday 28 November 2019

Ruby Adrift


Story starter! 
Storm-clouds gathered all around him like a pack of wolves surrounding their prey. The thunder echoed through the night air, as streaks of silvery lightning illuminated the darkness. His boat was shaking as he shook in fear. The boat was thumping and bumping along the rough and stormy sea 
Question time! 
Imagine you are on a sinking ship. You have 1 minute to grab as many items as you can to take with you on a lifeboat. If you could take 10 items with you to help you survive and be rescued, what would they be? Can you rank the following 10 items in order of importance in helping you to survive

 a flare gun
 a whistle
an Emergency blanket
 a map
mobile phone
 a bottle of water
a rope
a bar of chocolate
 a fishing net
A mirror 

Perfect picture! 
Can you draw a picture of the man and the boat during the terrible storm?

Sentence challenge! 
Can you write a sentence containing a relative clause, starting with a noun? 
The ocean, which was usually his greatest friend, was now his worst enemy. Fish, which he usually hated eating, was now the only thing keeping him alive. 
The boat, was bumping along the sea would it sink or would not?
Sick sentences! 
These sentences are ‘sick’ and need help to get better. Can you help? Could you add an adverb? 
The man sat in thumping and bumping about in the boat. It was so stormy he couldn't see anything except He could see the flash of lightning.

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Ruby end of year reports student reflection

                                                          End of Year Reports
                                                             Student Reflection

This year in Takutai I have really enjoyed learning about blogging,  seesaw, and technology because I  like sharing my work. 

The work I am most proud of this year is where in the world am I because I liked choosing the places I would like to go it was challenging to screencastify.     

I want to learn more about animals because I love animals and they are beautiful creatures.

My two best memories of this year are
 1. when keton helped me cut my work out when I hurt my fingers.
2. When daisy, keton, Katie, Harpur, Manawa, Jaxon, and I played tag.

My favorite experience/event this year was going to camp because it was so fun going caving.

The kindest thing someone has done for me this year was when Katie helped me find a Judy teacher to get an ice pack when I banged my leg.

I feel I have improved the most in is reading because of the SRA  reading lab.

I have been the most creative when I made my paper mache octopus because it was challenging and fun.

Paroa school is an awesome school because it has the beach next to it and the penguin logo.

Next year I am looking forward to camp because I get to hang out with my friends.

Friday 15 November 2019

takutai's westport camp

This is Keton, Katie and Me at the heated pool on the side it was super cool.  

Pete the doc ranger showed us the Blue Penguin footprints.

This is the pancake rock blowholes.

Monday 11 November 2019


  this is my character and her description. she is called slug