Monday 18 May 2020


this is my collage these are 5 things I did in lockdown

Thursday 14 May 2020


A bad start

this is the video I had watched and I could retell the story as the dog or the boy so I chose the boy here is my story:
I start feeling sad a few coins a day. Through the days and the weeks my jar gets bigger more coins I think I pull down the pitcher from my wall and stare at it a couple of days later I get to this clearing my dog sniffs the ground then goes to chase butterflies I give hi some food he chops it down and we walk off into the distance with my guitar and dog.   

Friday 8 May 2020


today we could design a dream cake and this is mine 

Thursday 7 May 2020

enviro inquiry

today I shook a tree and found a little spider

the magic tree

The big tree stood all alone in the deserted forest why it thinks why did the mean old woodchoppers have to chop down all the other trees except me 

Story starter!
The tree was all that remained. A solitary figure, it stood there in defiance of the destruction surrounding it. The bark had begun to peel away, one piece at a time, joining the wreckage of other trees that lay scattered across the scorched earth. This tree was different from the other trees. It contained magic. It contained hope...

Can you continue the story? What is so different about this tree? What has happened to the other trees around it?

Question time!
What do you think has caused the destruction all around the tree?  choppers
Why has this one tree survived? Because it was too hard to chop down
If you walked through the portal, what would happen to you? What would you see? If you walk through the portal you would go be a cat in the stars
If this is a portal to another world, would you go through it or stay on Earth, even if you had no idea what could happen? You would go through
Is it good to take risks? Are some risks riskier than others? Yes it is good to take risks and yes some risks are riskier than others
Sentence challenge!
A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between one thing and another.
It may tell you where a thing is in relation to something else. E.g. The green, shining door appeared inside the tree. It may tell you when something is in relation to another event. E.g. The portal would not close until the electrical storm had ended. Can you find any prepositions in your writing? Can you write 3 sentences that contain prepositions? The green shining door sweep me away into a world of unknown

Sick sentences!
These sentences are ‘sick' and need help to get better. Can you help?
► The big tree had
bark and leaves.
Inside the tree were stars and the moon.
The big tree had shining leaves and the bark was glistening in the sunlight Inside was big beautiful stars and a big super moon 


this is my maths we hade to figure out what the questions were

Wednesday 6 May 2020


 this is my problems involving addition

enviro inquiry

this is my favorite spot outside  


this is my work about the lunar and gregorian calenders 

place value

this is my place value 

maths game

this is a game I learned today step 1 get two dice step 2 roll the dice until you fill-up the chart but you have to make it a pattern 

Monday 4 May 2020

enviro inquiry

today for enviro inquiry I made a snowman out of rocks and a stick here's a photo

look down

look there's a plane up there says an old woman to a child on the plane two boys sat on the wing of the plane they both look around at the scenery one of them pointed and said LOOK DOWN.


there are seven sisters from runinue and pupatoanuku father kitoatowa and mother winue the family of Matariki zig and zag all around the other stars. Oh, you are so annoying growls the red star ruanga, settle down settle down settle down says the blue star takutua. Takutaku and winue overhear the other stars winue says we have to do something important Takutaku says they can be the signs of a new year so the family of matariki stay in the night sky on a new year       


  this is my character and her description. she is called slug