Wednesday 18 December 2019

SLJ week 1 day 1: exploring the world

 SLJ Week 1 day 1: exploring the world Activity 1: setting sail
 I would choose Bread so I can make sandwiches. Apples because they are healthy. Bottled water because saltwater makes you thirsty. Lollipops because I deserve a treat. Lemons because I absolutely love lemons. Peanut butter to put in my sandwiches. Sugar because I can put it with my lemons. Hot water because I can make hot drinks with it. Cordiale so I can put it in my drinks. Biscuits because I like them.

 Activity 2: Discovering Aotearoa
 My family  are Scotland, England and New Zealand What is special to me and my family? Something special to me and my family is that my 23 great grandfather Robert the bruce was the king of Scotland What language do I speak? I speak English

 Activity 3: scaling new heights
 The SPCA helped protect over 40,000 animals in new Zealand a year they help animals that are sick, injured, abused or abandoned. Our SPCA Inspectors, Field Officers and rescue teams work on the front line every day, rescuing animals who have been in an accident, abused, neglected, abandoned or caught up in natural disaster. ​They provide a safe haven for sick, injured, abandoned and abused animals. We give them love, care and a roof over their heads until we can find them a new forever home. ​SPCA believes that engaging, educating and building relationships with our communities and government is key to improving animal welfare in New Zealand. Like you, we want every animal to receive the love and respect they deserve. Every year thousands of abused, neglected, and injured animals arrive in SPCA’s care. SPCA wants to make a real difference and break this trend of abuse, so our team developed a free education programme for schools and people working with children, to help change the hearts and minds of the future generation. Our SPCA Centres, animal hospitals and co-operating vet clinics are the first stop for all animals that come into SPCA care. Here we provide essential care and medical treatment to animals that are sick and injured, as well as routine health checks, vaccinations, microchips and desexing. SPCA is the only charity with the legal powers to help animals in need and bring animal offenders to justice. Our Inspectors are appointed under the Animal Welfare Act 1999 which provides powers to investigate cruelty, abuse, neglect and abandonment.


  1. Hi Ruby
    What a list when I did my list of foods I forgot water. Your SPCA information is great. How do you support the SPCA?
    Keep up the great work

    1. Hi Molly I donate to the SPCA

  2. Hey Ruby!

    My name is Matilda. I live in Auckland, and this summer I am working as one of the blog commenters that will be reading and commenting on your blog posts. I am really looking forward to reading everything you post for the summer learning journey, and getting to know you a bit better!

    Amazing job on this post! Thank you for taking the time to list all these delicious foods you would bring! I think that if I was going on this trip I would want sandwiches and apples too! Bringing peanut butter, sugar and biscuits is a really good idea! All these foods will give you heaps of energy and keep you full! Good thinking!

    Hot water would be really nice to have on this adventure! Do you have a way of making sure it stays hot? I’m not sure how I would do it? Maybe you can think of something to invent because I don't think there is electricity on a boat! :P

    Keep up the awesome work! I’m looking forward to reading more posts from you!


    1. I would of invented a heater jug so it keeps my water hot

    2. Hey Ruby,

      That is a good solution you have! I'm sure you could invent a jug to solve this problem!

      Matilda :)

  3. Hi Ruby
    I was also think that hot water would not last on a boat. That is so cool that one of your ancestors was the king of Scotland. THe stuff you wrote about the SPCA looks like you copied it maybe next time you could change that.

  4. OK I will think about changing that next time

  5. Hi Ruby Lotte here this post is awesome! keep it up. have you ever been to a devolving country? do you think an apple will last 3 weeks? Is it really true that one of your ancestors was the king of Scotland! that's really interesting hopeing to see more blog posts from you!,



Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.


  this is my character and her description. she is called slug